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Use brushes and gradients to create a stylish composition

Use brushes and gradients to create a stylish composition

Use brushes and gradients to create a stylish composition

Creating an awesome bit of work in photoshop does not have to be a chore. By using some gradients and simple brushes we can create a eye catching composition that will leave you wanting more.

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Here is how i created this simple yet stylish image .

Step 1

First i created a new document of 500×300 pixels that I filled with white ( you can chose to create yours on a larger canvas or smaller its up to you) . Create a new layer and select the lower part of the canvas. Then Fill it with black.

Step 2

Now using brushes that i had in my collection, i painted grass and some flowers in black across the top of the black line. You can find brushes like the ones i used at psdgold.com or a similar place.

Step 3

Now create a new layer and place it under the black layer ( with the grass and flowers ). Fill the layer with white and drag the gradient below from top to bottom.

The gradient will look similar to the below picture.

Step 4

Create a new layer in between the gradient background layer and the grass layer. With the polygonal lasso tool i create rough mountains as below.

Then apply the gradient below to the mountain layer.

Step 5

Next decorate you composition with some objects, i chose a boy jumping ( i found a silhouette brush on deviantart.com ).

Step 6

Now brush in some clouds with the standard brushes that come with adobe photoshop starting with darker colors, and layering up to lighter like below in the Final image! Easy huh ? do not be scared to fool around with the colors and brushes. I would love to see what you come up with, so if you follow this tutorial or any tutorials on this website make sure you add them to the gallery under each tutorial..