Grunge Effect with Photoshop

Photoshop is the number one of photo editing software; it is an amazing tool that can help you do splendid things to images using a variety of tools. It is great for creative expression and also for touch ups and edits. In this tutorial, I will show you how to apply a grunge effect to a simple image in a few steps using Photoshop.

Start from creating 1024x728px canvas. Place the image of Volkswagen at the center of the document.

Photoshop tutorials Grunge Effect with Photoshop

First, duplicate your layer ( Ctrl+J ).

Photoshop tutorials Grunge Effect with Photoshop

Then, go to Menu > Image > Auto Color (Ctrl+Shift+B).

Photoshop tutorials Grunge Effect with Photoshop

Now, go to Menu > Image > Adjustments > Color Match .

Photoshop tutorials Grunge Effect with Photoshop

Photoshop tutorials Grunge Effect with Photoshop

After that, go to Menu > Filter > Lens Correction and adjust the vignette like this.

Photoshop tutorials Grunge Effect with Photoshop

Photoshop tutorials Grunge Effect with Photoshop

In the layers tab go to channel, choose the red channel

Photoshop tutorials Grunge Effect with Photoshop

Go to Menu > Image > Adjustments > Brightness/contrast.

Photoshop tutorials Grunge Effect with Photoshop

Photoshop tutorials Grunge Effect with Photoshop

Repeat the same step with green channel

Here the result

Photoshop tutorials Grunge Effect with Photoshop

Then, duplicate your layer ( Ctrl+J ) and go to Menu > Filter > Blur > Surface Blur.

Photoshop tutorials Grunge Effect with Photoshop

Photoshop tutorials Grunge Effect with Photoshop

Desaturate the layer by going to Menu > Image > Adjustments > Desaturate (Ctrl+Shift+U)

Photoshop tutorials Grunge Effect with Photoshop

Finally, change the blending mode to Overlay .

Photoshop tutorials Grunge Effect with Photoshop

Here the final result

Photoshop tutorials Grunge Effect with Photoshop


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